Here are some snaps and a quick run-down of our last playtest of "Ground Wars: Future Skirmish!". Having a large collection of AT-43 figures, I did not want to see them collect dust, so I co-opted them for a playtest. The Red Blok troops became RSSP (Republic of Soviet Socialist Planets) men, and the Therians became members of the Cybernetic Collective (CC), two example factions that will be included in the rules.
In this scenario, the CC - ever hungry for material resources - launches an assault on an RSSP mining facility on the ice planet of New Siberia. After an orbital first strike that destroyed much of the RSSP's facility (but left the mining operations intact), the CC dropped its troops nearby. The RSSP, caught by surprise, is left to scramble its defenses into position.
The CC troops are tough, with even the lowliest being hard to take down. The RSSP must use its men to hold off the CC's assault long enough for them to get their harding hitting assets into place. Helping them is a frozen river between them and the CC, one that may not support the heavy CC troops as they cross. The CC must get to the mining operations and capture or kill the techs before they can terminate the system running the operations, thereby denying their immediate use to the CC.

The Death Balls won.
The RSSP managed to squeak out a victory, in spite of what appeared to be overwhelming odds. When they finally got their heavier assets into the battle (three walkers and three battlesuits), things started to tip in their favor. Combined with a sniper one-shotting the CC commander (which seriously impacted the CC's ability to command its troops), eventually the CC assault fizzled out and the RSSP techs were able to shut down operations in time.
This was truly an epic battle! We will certainly be revisiting these forces in the future for more GWFS fun!
Our next playtest of the rules (this coming Sunday), will feature a bank heist in a contemporary US town. By playtesting across different technology levels, I can better determine what's missing and what needs fixing in the rules prior to wrapping them up for publication.

The Gang! Here they are at one of their favorite morning activities - bird watching out the front door. :)
- Rod
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